目的应用超声检测胎儿多项生物学指标,预测胎儿出生时体重。方法超声检测293例晚孕胎儿双顶径、头围、腹围、股骨径,分析其与胎儿出生时体重的关系。结果单指标腹围、双顶径、股骨径、头围与新生儿出生体重均呈正相关,其中腹围与出生体重相关性最好,双顶径及股骨长次之;拟和四个自变量,均选入方程,其复相关系数为0.890(P<0.001)。其中腹围引入回归方程预测293例中胎儿体重,绝对误差值<±250 g的257例,占87.7%,平均相对误差为4.4%。腹围对非巨大儿体重的胎儿诊断敏感性为99.6%,正确率为95.6%。结论腹围预测胎儿出生体重,方法简单准确,具有较好的临床实用价值。
Objective To predict fetal birth weight (FW) by measuring fetal biological parameters with ultrasound. Methods The biparietal diameter( BPD), head circumfereace ( HC), abdomen circumfereace ( AC ), femur length (FL) of 293 fetus in late pregnancy were examined by ultrasound. Then the relationship between the results and birth weight was analyzed. Results The biparietal diameter ( BPD ), head circumfereace ( HC ) , abdomen circumfereace ( AC ), femur length ( FL ) had correlation with FW, The multiple linear regression equation derived was Y = 16.110AC + 24. 704BPD + 12. 388FL + 0. 453HC - 5563. 992, there was positive correlation between AC and FW ( r = 0. 866), the FW could be formulated as FW = 19. 384AC -3325. 122. In 293 cases, there were 257 cases had absolute error less than + 250g (87. 7% ,257/293), the average proportional error was 4.4%, the sensitivity and accuracy for detection of normal fetus were 99.6% and 95.6%, respectively. Conclusion The equation is a simple, accurate and valuable method for prediction of FW, and it can be widely used in clinic.
Journal of Clinical Ultrasound in Medicine
Abdomen circumfereace
Fetal weight