
Aquila Rift区域年轻星候选体的搜寻

Young Stellar Object Candidates in the Aquila Rift Region
摘要 使用德国Th(u|¨)ringer Landessternwarte Tautenburg(TLS)的2 m望远镜对Aquila Rift的16个区域进行了Hα、R和I共3个波段的成像观测.这些观测区域大约覆盖了Aquila Rift 7平方度的天区.除去3个数据质量不高的天区,对其余的13个区域进行了测光分析,从中证认出点源,并利用双色图的方法最终证认出7颗Hα发射线星候选体.这7个候选体是从5个观测区域中选出的,其中3颗位于银道面区域,4颗位于银纬高于4°的区域.对于这5个天区,证认了其中点源的2MASS对应体,并利用双色图的方法进一步分析了7个Hα发射线星候选体的性质.这些Hα发射线星候选体的近红外辐射并没有明显的红外超现象,有一颗还落在了主序分支上.这也说明有Hα发射的年轻星并不都伴随有红外超现象.Hα发射线观测和红外超观测的结果是相互补充的.如果将这7颗Hα发射线星候选体作为年轻星候选体,则Aquila Rift区域的年轻星数目是较少的.对于这些候选体的进一步证认还需要后续的光谱观测. Using the 2-m telescope at Thuringer Landessternwarte Tautenburg (TLS), an imaging of 16 fields in the Aquila Rift region with the Hα, R and I filters is made. The observed region covers about 7 square degrees. Excluding the data with bad quality for three fields, the data for the remaining fields are analyzed and finally seven Hα emission-line star candidates are identified. These seven candidates are located in five fields. Three of these candidates are located at the Galactic plane, while the galactic latitudes of the left are larger than 4° . The 2MASS point source counterparts of the Hα emission-line star candidates are identified. It is also found that there are no obvious infrared excesses for some of the Hα emission-line emission star candidates, one of which is located on the main sequence locus in the color-color diagram. Spectral observations are needed to confirm the nature of the young stellar object candidates.
出处 《天文学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第2期133-143,共11页 Acta Astronomica Sinica
基金 国家自然科学基金(10733030 10621303)资助项目
关键词 星际介质 个别 恒星 发射线 ISM: individual, stars: emission-line
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