An uhrastructural study on antipodal development was carried out in rice. The
results showed that the ultrastructure of walls, nuclei and various organella underwent
considerable changes during antipodal development. At the early stage, each antipodal cell was
surrounded by a thin layer of wall. Plasmodesmata were present in the walls between the chalazal antipodal and the nucellar cell, in between the antipodals and the walls between the micropylar
antipodal and the central cell. At mid and late stage, the original walls of the antipodal cell be
came much thickened and some new walls formed. At the late stage of embryo sac development,
all plasmodesmata disappeared from the original wall. Few plasmodesmata were, however, still
seen present in some of the newly formed walls. Nuclei of antipodal were round in shape at early
stage. However, some of them became'coral-shaped' at mid and late stages. The cytoplasm of
the antipodals contained numerous ribosomes, mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum. The
shape of dictyosomes was quite variable and they became'bead-shaped' at the mid and late stage.
Plastids contained starch grains at early and mid stage, which disappeared at mid and late stage.
Large vacuoles were present in the early stage. They disappeared at mid and late stages. At the
time of embryo sac maturity, only a few small vacuoles could be found. The changes of the
antipodals seen at the ultrastructural level seemed to suggest that the antipodals might played an
active role(e. g. in the supply of nutrients to the embryo sac) in the development of the embryo
Acta Agronomica Sinica
Rice (Oryza sativa L . )
Embryo sac development
Antipodal cells Ultrastructure