Palynomorphs are recovered for the first time from the Dingjiazhai Formation in Baoshan,West Yunnan.The palynoassemblage is well diverse and includes 40 form genera,55 species,of which one new species, Plicatipollenites baoshanensis .The assemblage is dominated by radially symmetrial triletes monosaccates and non_taeniate bisaccates. The miospore assemblages assigned to the Parasaccites distinctus_Microbaculispora fentula (DF)zone of the Dingjiazhai Formation are characteristically dominated by Gondwana microfloral elements which often constitutes up to 80 per cent of more of the assemblages.Many typical forms of the Gondwana microflora occur in this assemblage,such as Parasaccites distinctus Tiwari, Brakarites rotatus (Balme and Hennelly)Bharadwaj and Tiwari, Potonieisporites neglectus Potonie and Lele, P.magnus Lele and Karim, Plicatipollenite densus Srirastova, Microbaculispora fentula Tiwari, M.tentula Tiwari, Interradispora daedala Foster, I.robusta (Foster) Foster, Horriditriletes ramosus (Balme and Hennelly)Bharadwaj and Salujha, Marsupipollenites triradiates Balme and Hennelly and so no. The microspores features of both in West Yunnan and Caythaysia microflora shows the microfloral natures in between Gondwana and Caythaysia and West Yunnan was such closer to the Gondwanaland in terms of Clayton′s Microflora(1985).The Parasaccites distinctus_Microbaculispora fentula (DF) zone may roughly be correlated with the Parasaccites zone of Kyle(1977) belonging to Asselian to Sakmarian in age. Based on palynological data,the Microflora Province,Palaeoclimate and Palaeogeography are discussed.