
循环供应链中再制造件动态价格和质量决策 被引量:9

Dynamics of price,quality decisions of remanufacturerd product in the closed-loop supply chain
摘要 广告所宣传的产品质量会影响消费者质量期望以及消费者对产品单位质量的价值评价上的差异.综合考虑广告影响、以及消费者需求对质量改进和生产改进的影响,该论文通过建立制造商的最优动态控制模型,探讨了在新制造件和再制造件市场细分的条件下,制造商的动态价格和质量等决策问题.研究给出了最优化的必要条件、以及动态最优价格和质量决策的特点. The advertised quality influences consumer's expectations,consumers with heterogeneous valuations for the same product characteristics.Considering the advertised quality influences,consumers demand for the product in the industry depending on both productivity and quality improvement,this paper provides an optimal control formulation of the problem and develops necessary conditions for optimality and characterizes the dynamics of optimal price,quality decisions of remanufacturerd product in the closed-loop supply chain.
作者 陶雪飞 曹俊
出处 《系统工程理论与实践》 EI CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2010年第4期603-610,共8页 Systems Engineering-Theory & Practice
关键词 循环供应链 再制造件 市场细分 最优控制 closed-loop supply chain remanufactured products market segmentation optimal control
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