
当前欧盟对华战略认知与政策新趋向 被引量:1

The EU’s Understanding of Its Strategy towards China at Present and Its New Policy Directions
摘要 中欧关系在经历1995至2005年间平稳发展之后,近几年出现了波折。这些波折的实质是中国崛起的步伐加快,欧盟对中国的总体战略认知和对华政策取向发生了变化:对中国的经济崛起心理不平衡;期望中国承担更多责任;双边关系中的人权等价值观被强化;欧盟的亚洲政策在中国与其他大国间趋于平衡。面对这种变化,一方面要坚信中欧合作的战略基础并未发生改变,另一方面也要认识到中欧关系复杂性在增加。 After going through a period of smooth development from 1995 to 2005, China-EU relationship has seen twists and turns in recent years. The essence of those happenings lies in the fact that, as China quickens its steps in its rise, there appear some changes in EU’s understanding of its overall strategy and policy towards China: an psychological imbalance in the perception of China’s economic rise; an expectation of China to undertake more responsibilities; issues like human rights and other value differences reinforced in the bilateral ties, and a balanced Asia policy sought by EU with regard to China and other big powers. In view of those changes, we, on the one hand, shouldn’t have the slightest doubt about the unchangeable strategic basis for China -EU cooperation, and on the other hand, have to understand that complexities in China-EU relations are growing.
作者 房乐宪
出处 《和平与发展》 2010年第2期49-54,共6页 Peace and Development
基金 中国人民大学科研基金一般项目“2006年以来欧盟对华战略认知变化与对策研究”的研究成果,项目编号:22382019
  • 相关文献


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