

Knowledge Management of lJVs:Acquiring Knowledge from Foreign Parent Company
摘要 国际合资企业的成功一直是跨国经营理论界和实践界共同关注的问题。基于知识的理论认为,从外方母公司获取知识是国际合资企业提高竞争力、获得成功的一个非常重要因素。本文重点分析了国际合资企业获取知识的理论基础、方法途径、具体过程和影响因素。同时,结合中外合资企业的经营实践,对于如何加强知识的学习、转移和创新,促进中外合资企业自身发展提出了建议。 The success of International Joint Ventures (IJVs) is the focusing issue of both the theoretical analysts and practical managers. According to the Knowledge Based View(KBV) ,obtaining knowledge from foreign parent company is most important factor for IJVs to enhance competitive advantage. Based on the theories of knowledge, the article was carried out to explore the definition, process, mecha- nism, and influential elements of IJVs who acquire and integrate the knowledge learnt from the foreign parent company. As for the management and practice of Sino-Foreign joint venture enterprises, the article gave the implication to managers how to achieve knowledge transfer, to enhance knowledge integration, to improve competitive advantage and performance through the refinement of knowledge management.
作者 刘晓娜
出处 《上海管理科学》 CSSCI 2010年第2期10-14,共5页 Shanghai Management Science
关键词 国际合资企业 中外合资企业 知识获取 知识整合 International Joint Ventures Sino-Foreign Joint Venture Enterprises Knowledge Acquisition Knowledge Integration
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