Yili Basin, developed in the central Tianshan orogenic belt, accommodates a huge thickness (about 5 000-9 000m) of continental Permian strata. The Upper Permian is chiefly composed of lacustrine clastic sedimentary rocks interbedded with limestone, including the Xiaoshansayi, Hamist, Tiemulike and Bakaluesayi Formations in ascending order, 2 700m in total thickness. Ophiomorpha is rich in a shallow lacustrine limestone bed in the lower part of the Xiaoshansayi Formation, with a suit of burrows different in diameter, probably representing developing stages of the burrowmaker. The burrow wall, conspicuously doublelayered, consists of pellets ovoid, or irregular in shape. They are tubelike or caecumlike, predominantly horizontal and oblique in level, neither showing divergent branching of Ophiomorpha type. Infill is passive, indicating upward grading, reflecting a rapid depositional condition. It could be used as topindicating structure. Above characteristics illustrate that the burrowmaker is inclined to penetrate soft sedimentary floor where relatively high rate of deposition took place, and scarcely controlled by composition of the substrate, waterdepth, and salinity.
Journal of Stratigraphy