Objective To investigate sexual behavior and drug abuse behavior systematically among university minority students to provide evidence and reference for universities and relevant government bodies; to work out strategy for STD/HIV prevention. Methods A total of 5 259 minority undergraduates of comprehensive universities were investigated in grnmqi; an anonymous questionnaire was used to collect information about AIDS related practice from minority undergraduates random selected in a grade among four universities. Results 9. 30% of minority undergraduates in their sex, 18.00% sexually active undergraduates used condom during their sex. 21.41% of male undergraduates with sexual experience had ever used condoms which was better than 8. 96% of female undergraduates. Moreover, 1.65% of minority undergraduates had a history of drug abuse in universities, 1.08% of minority undergraduates of universities had ever used intravenous drugs. Conclusions Sexually active undergraduates of universities have used condom less during their sex. The awareness of preventing STD/AIDS among university students is quite low, their self - protection awareness and condom using rate are low too. So systematic and sci- entific sex education and STD/AIDS health education and behavior intervention are pressing and urgent.
international journal of nursing
University minority students
Acquired immunedeficiency syndrome(AIDS)
Sexual behavior
Drug abuse behavior