目的研究连续非卧床腹膜透析(CAPD)患者家庭社会支持和抑郁的关系,旨在提高患者生活质量。方法随机抽取经双联系统进行腹膜透析的患者29例,应用自评抑郁量表(SDS)、家庭功能问卷(Family APGAR)和社会支持评定量表(SSRS)进行测评调查。结果CAPD患者轻微至轻度抑郁状态为13.8%,中度为27.6%,重度为10.3%。抑郁与家庭功能、社会支持有相关性。结论抑郁状态在腹膜透析患者中常见,家庭适应性、社会主观支持维度等是影响抑郁的重要因素。需加强腹膜透析患者及家属对抑郁的认知和健康宣教,提高患者生活质量。
Objective To study the relativity of the depressive symptom and family and social support on peritoneum dialysis patients and to improve the life quality. Methods The relationship of the depressive symptom and family funtion on 29 peritoneum dialysis patients with twin- bag system was studied by Zung self- rating depression scale (SDS) and Smilkstein family scale (APGAR) and social support scale (SSRS) . Results The 13.8% CAPD patients were suffered from depressive symptom in slight or light degree, inside degree was 27.6%, heavy degree was 10. 3%. Depressive symptom was related to society support and family funtion. Conclusions Depressive symptom is very common in peritoneum dialysis patients. Family adaptability and subjective society support is important factor of influence to depressive symptom. The peritoneum dialysis patients and family numbers need to enhance cognizance and be taught with the health of depressive symptom to increase their lefe qualities.
international journal of nursing