

摘要 股权激励作为一种对管理层激励的有效方式,在公司激励机制中发挥着重要的作用。但任何一个工具和方法都是一把双刃剑,股权激励会稀释产权,用得不好也会适得其反。因此,在设计股权激励方案中,要坚持"两个结合"和明确方案的目的;选择适合企业的股权激励设计方案时,应考虑企业的发展周期,同时注重股票的来源与定价问题、激励对象等关键点。 The management equity incentive motivation as an effective way of incentives in the company plays an important role. How- ever, the tools and methods are any double - edged sword, will dilute equity incentive property right, with the bad and counterproduc- five. Therefore, in the design of equity incentive programs, we must adhere to the "two con^binations" and the clear purpose of the program. Choosing appropriate equity incentive design should take into accotmt the development of business cycles, focusing on the sources and pricing of stock, incentive of object .
机构地区 重庆工商大学
出处 《黑龙江对外经贸》 2010年第4期129-130,共2页 Heilongjiang Foreign Economic Relations and Trade
关键词 股权激励 激励制度 上市公司 stockholder's rights driver incentive system Hsted company
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