
汽车涂装废水处理工艺的研究与改进 被引量:3

Study and Improvement on the Treatment Process of Automobile Painting Wastewater
摘要 根据汽车涂装废水浓度高、成份复杂,水质水量变化大等特点,本文研究了处理汽车涂装废水的两种可行方法:单纯的物化法和物化+生化相结合的处理方法。经研究发现单纯的物化法存在诸多的不足,而物化+生化法却能很好的克服这些不足而广泛应用。工程实践表明,对物化+生化处理工艺进行优化与改进,能使废水处理系统运行更加稳定,出水效果更好。 Two treatment processes, simplex physical treatment and physical & bio-chemistry treatment were provided to automobile wastewater oaseu on the characters of high concentration pollutants, many pollutant components and great variety of wastewater flow and influent quality. Many shortcomings occurred in the projects through the study on the simplex physical treatment, and physical & bin-chemistry treatment were widely adopted because of overcoming the existing shortcomings. It was proved more stable operation and better effluent quality could be achieved through the optimization and improvement on the physical & bin-chemistry treatment.
作者 陈军
出处 《价值工程》 2010年第3期49-50,共2页 Value Engineering
关键词 涂装废水 预处理 物化+生化 painting wastewater pretreatment physical & bio-chemistry
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