介绍了青岛炼化220 kt/a硫磺回收装置概况、工艺流程及低负荷开工情况,并分析了装置72 h标定及一年多来的运行情况。该装置投产以来已连续运行380 d,平均处理负荷已达到70%以上,最大负荷可达120%。实际硫回收率达到99.9%,硫磺产量达到450 t/d以上,装置能耗和排放烟气SO_2浓度均低于设计指标,各项指标达到国内同类装置先进水平。
The general situation,process and low-load start-up of Qingdao Refining Chemical' s 220 kt/a sulphur recovery unit are described and 72-hour test and over one year' s operation are analyzed.The plant has continuously operated 380d since put into operation,with average load over 70%and maximum load 120%,actual sulphur recovery rate 99.9%and sulphur production over 450 t/d.Energy consumption and SO2 emissions were lower than design values and every index reached the advanced level of domestic similar units.
Sulphuric Acid Industry