

Agency Based Asset Pricing and Empirical Evidence in China
摘要 基金的迅速发展使得传统的投资结构发生改变,很多投资者不再是直接持有证券,而是通过申购基金间接持有,投资者结构的改变使得传统资产定价模型的一些假设不再适用。本文正是基于此背景,研究基金投资者和基金经理之间的委托代理问题对资产价格的影响,通过理论分析得到两因素资产定价模型,并用我国A股市场的数据做了实证检验,从理论和实证两个角度都论证了投资者和基金经理之间的委托代理问题是资产定价中不可忽略的因素。 The development of funds, which is a portfolio management agency, changes the investing structure. Some investors do not directly invest in the stock market, but do so through the funds. Then the agency problem between investors and fund manager should be incorporated into the asset pricing model. This paper makes a theoretical and empirical analysis of this problem, and finds that the agency problem is an important factor in asset pricing as the existence of funds.
作者 吴晓亮 刘亮
出处 《运筹与管理》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第2期109-115,共7页 Operations Research and Management Science
关键词 金融学 两因素定价模型 理论建模 实证研究 委托代理因素 finance two-factor pricing model theoretical research empirical study principal-agent factor
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