
OECD国家防止利益冲突的伦理工程及其实践 被引量:4

On Ethics Infrastructure and its Practice of Preventing Public Officials’ Conflict of Interests in OECD Countries
摘要 管理和防止公职人员的利益冲突是廉政建设的重要内容。经济合作和发展组织(OECD)设计了管理和防止利益冲突的伦理工程,包括指导功能模块,其要素是行为规范价值和职业发展等;管理功能模块,其要素是管理机构的协同和公共服务环境等;控制功能模块,其要素是法律框架和公众参与等。伦理工程是一个综合体系,每一个功能模块都相互支持和配合,形成管理和防止利益冲突的合力。科学借鉴OECD国家的实践经验,有利于我们进一步加强防止利益冲突工作,实现源头防腐的目的。 Managing and preventing conflicts of interests is a strategy for fighting against corruption and building an ethical government. Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has designed Ethics Infrastructure which is used to manage and prevent conflicts of interests. Ethics Infrastructure has three main functions including guidance, management and control. The module with guidance function provides information on the value of ethical conducts, career development and etc. The module with management function aims at compromising the managing institutions, providing the public service conditions and etc. The module with control function establishes the framework of laws and promotes public participation. Ethics Infrastructure is a comprehensive system, in which every module mutually supports and cooperates, and a joint force is formed to manage and prevent conflicts of interests. Preventing conflicts of interests is an important act which can prevent corruption from the source. We should scientifically learn practical lessons from OECD countries and intensify the construction of Ethics Infrastructure from the perspective of organization, system, training and etc. All these will be beneficial for our task in preventing conflicts of interests.
作者 庄德水
出处 《廉政文化研究》 2010年第1期71-77,共7页 Anti-corruption and Integrity Culture Studies
关键词 利益冲突 OECD 伦理工程 公职人员 conflict of interest OECD Ethics Infrastructure public officials
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