选择添加铬、钼合金元素的碳、锰、硅系的高强双相钢DP600为研究对象,选择Gleeble-3800热模拟试验机为研究方法测定了DP600动态CCT曲线,并模拟DP600双相钢热轧过程。采用金相组织观察、织构分析及力学性能测试等手段分析了不同工艺制度下双相钢组织及织构变化规律以及对性能的影响,从中获得最佳组织配比及优化的热轧工艺参数。根据优化的中试结果,进行了热轧双相钢DP600的工业试制。结果表明,试制样品的显微组织为铁素体及马氏体;屈强比均小于0.65,抗拉强度均在600 MPa以上;伸长率在24%以上;其拉伸曲线均为连续曲线,无屈服点伸长,具有典型的双相钢特征。
The hot rolling process of DP600 steel,which belongs to the C,Mn and Si series of high strength dual phase steels,was simulated and the dynamic CCT curve was tested by using the Gleeble-3800 thermal/mechanical simulator.The optimal proportion of microstructure and the technical parameters were obtained after the effects of different hot rolling processes on the microstructures and textures on the dual phase steels were analyzed by testing of the metallographic analysis,texture analysis and mechanics properties.The hot rolled DP600 dual phase steels have been produced in commercial mill according to the results of pilot-plant investigation.The results show that the tested steel has the typical characteristics of dual phase steel,such as the microstructures of ferrite and martensite,less than 0.65 of yield to tensile strength ratio,higher than 600MPa of tensile strength,higher than 24% of the elongation,the continuous tensile curves and no yield point.
Journal of Iron and Steel Research