Objective To investigate neural correlates of the retrieval of temporal order. Methods ERP of 19 channels was recorded from 17 heahhy young students while they performed a recency judgment task, a recognition task and a visual discrimination task separately, which were based on Stenlberg paradigm. One-way ANO- VA of repeated-measurement and post-hoc paired comparisons were carried out for both the task factor ( temporal order, recognition and control) and the temporal distance factor correspondingly. The latter contains 3 intervals ( 1, 2 and 3) between the targets. Results The temporal distance effect was significant : the closer targets correspond to longer reaction time ( ( 745.5 ± 106. 1 ) ms, ( 711.7 ± 102.2 ) ms, ( 653.7 ± 81.5 ) ms ; F( 1.28,20.48) = 43.37, P=0.00] and higher error rate( (62.8 ±7.0)%,(72.5±5.4)%,(84.5 ±6.4)%; F(l.22,21.11) = 135.99, P = 0. 00 ]. Significant behavioral effect of the task factor was also found for both reaction time (F (1.32,21 11 ) = 135.99, P = 0.00) and error rate (F(2.32) = 200. 31, P = 0.00 ). No significant behavioral difference was found between the temporal order group and the recognition group. The spatiotemporal pattern of statistical parametric mapping (SPM) suggested the ERP effects of temporal order were presented in left temporal region ( 260 - 270 ms) , bilateral parietal-occipital areas ( 280 - 290 ms) , and bilateral parietal lobes ( 300 - 400 ms ) prominently. No ERP effect was found between the temporal order task and the recognition task. Conclusions The neural correlates of the temporal distance effect exist in bilateral parietal regions. Temporal order as well as object information processing involves similar cerebral regions during the retrieval period.
Chinese Journal of Behavioral Medicine and Brain Science
Temporal order memory
Recency judgment task
Event-related potentials (ERP)