
旅游电子商务网站服务质量的感知实证分析:基于大学生视角——以携程旅行网(www.ctrip.com)为例 被引量:16

Perception Assessment of Graduating University Students about Service Quality of Tourism E-commerce Website:a case study of China CTRIP Website(WWW.CTRIP.COM)
摘要 电子商务网站质量评估是网站评估研究的重要内容,主要集中于3个研究视角:技术手段、专家调查和用户感知,其中建立电子商务网站感知质量模型和量表成为研究的热点和前沿。综述前人研究成果,以携程旅行网为例,针对在校大学生展开问卷调查,通过SPSS12.0统计软件,运用因子分析法和回归分析法,建立网站整体服务质量感知的回归模型,研究发现,在线服务对网站整体服务质量感知影响最显著,成为网站感知质量的首要影响变量。 Quality evaluation of E-commerce which was studied from three perspectives,i.e.technological means,investigation of experts,perception of users is one of the important contents of website evaluation research.Setting up model and scales of perceived quality of e-commerce website becomes a hot spot and the forefront of the quality evaluation of e-commerce.It is generally accepted that perceived quality of e-commerce website is the assessment of users on the functions of website meeting their demands and the whole efficiency of websites.Based on the research results of forefathers,the authors launched questionnaires taking www.ctrip.com as an example to university students of tourism management at school,using factor analysis and regression analysis of SPSS12.0,and we set up a regression model of perceived whole service quality of website.At last,online service has the most prominent influence on perceived whole service quality of website,and it is the primary influential variable of perceived quality of website.
出处 《旅游论坛》 CSSCI 2010年第1期28-33,共6页 Tourism Forum
关键词 旅游电子商务网站 感知质量概念模型 感知评价 在校大学生 携程旅行网 tourism E-commerce web sites conceptual model of perceived quality perception assessment undergraduates www.ctrip.com
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