
光子映射在CUDA中的研究与实现 被引量:1

Research and Implementation of Photon Mapping in CUDA
摘要 通过修改光子映射算法的实现过程,使得该算法能够通过CUDA完全运行在最新的GPU上,从而能够充分利用GPU强大的并行计算能力,加速光子映射的实现。光子映射在CUDA中的实现主要通过两个方面来完成:构建光子图和估计辐射能。同时为了提高对光子图中的光子信息的查找速度,采用了kd-tree结构来存储光子信息,使得可以通过KNN(K-Nearest Neighbor)快速搜索光子图。在所测试环境中,渲染速度是CPU中的近10倍。 This paper makes photon mapping algorithm capable of entirely running on latest GPUs by modifying its process in CUDA and harnesses the massive parallel computing power of GPU to accelerate the implementation of photon mapping. The implementation of photon mapping in CUDA includes the construction of the photon maps and estimation of the radiance. To accelerate the search of photons in photon map, this paper uses kd-tree to store photons and search them by KNN. The rendering speed is nearly 10 times by CPU under the test environment.
出处 《计算机系统应用》 2010年第5期174-178,共5页 Computer Systems & Applications
基金 浙江省科技计划面上项目(2008C24014)
关键词 光子映射 GPU 光子图 KD-TREE KNN photon mapping GPU photon map kd-tree KNN
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