
蛋白质侧链预测研究进展 被引量:1

Progress in Prediction of Protein Side-chain
摘要 蛋白质侧链构象的准确预测很大程度上决定了建模的质量以及利用计算机手段进行未知蛋白质准确预测的可行性。综述蛋白质侧链构象预测的研究进展,介绍蛋白质侧链构象的基本概念、侧链预测的基本过程、旋转异构体库的发展以及侧链预测软件的应用。 The accuracy of prediction of side-chain conformation in protein model determines the quality of model building and feasibility of using computer-methods to predict unknown proteins accurately.The progress in prediction of protein side-chain was reviewed.The basic ideas of protein side-chain conformation,fundamental process of side-chain prediction,development of rotamer library and application of common side-chain predictive softwares were introduced.
出处 《药学进展》 CAS 2010年第4期159-163,共5页 Progress in Pharmaceutical Sciences
关键词 蛋白质 侧链 预测 构象 二面角 旋转异构体库 pretien side-chain prediction conformation dihedral angle rotamer library
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