

Establishment of emergency medical rescue multi-agent system model
摘要 目的为综合医院应急救援多智能体系统的构建提供模型支持。方法对应急医学救援知识体系和作业流程进行分析,构建应急医学救援本体模型和智能体协同作业模型。结果应急医学救援本体模型包括顶级本体、领域本体、任务本体和应用本体。应急医学救援多智能体模型中包括指挥智能体、人员集结智能体、医生智能体、诊断智能体、方案智能体、处方智能体、病历智能体、检查检验智能体、护理智能体、患者智能体、后勤保障智能体和综合管理智能体。结论在综合医院应急医学救援多智能体系统中,应急医学救援本体是智能体之间相互通讯的基础,多个智能体的协同作业反映出综合医院应急医学救援的整个过程。依据本文所提供模型构建的综合医院应急医学救援多智能体系统,可用于综合医院应急医学救援过程的模拟仿真,可为应急医学救援提供良好的数据整合与决策支持服务。 An ontology model and a collaborative oPeration model of agents were built through analyzing the knowledge system and workflow of emergency medical rescue. The ontology model of emergency medical rescue includes Top Ontology, Domain Ontology, Task Ontology, and Application Ontology. In the model of emergency medical rescue agents, there are command agent, assembling agent, doctor agent, diagnosis agent, solution agent, prescription agent, medical case agent, inspection and laboratory agent, nursing agent, patient agent, logistics guarantee agent, and general management agent. In the MAS of general hospital' s emergency medical rescue, the ontologies become the basis of communication among the agents. The collaborative operation of the agents reflects the whole process of general hospital' s emergency medical rescue. The models in this paper are the basis of construction of the general hospital' s emergency medical rescue multi-agent system(MAS), which can be used to simulate the process of general hospital' s emergency medical rescue and supply good service of data integration and decision-making support.
作者 李毅 郭华源
出处 《中国急救复苏与灾害医学杂志》 2010年第4期299-301,共3页 China Journal of Emergency Resuscitation and Disaster Medicine
基金 解放军总医院科研基金项目苗圃基金课题:综合医院应急医学救援多智能体系统关键技术研究(08MP25)
关键词 应急医学救援 本体 智能体 Emergency medical rescue Ontology Agent
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