
行政改革进程中的整体政府:概念、缘起、实践和理论 被引量:2

Whole of Government in the Process of Administrative Reform:Concept,Origins,Practice and Theory
摘要 按照Pollit的观点"整体政府"是指一种通过横向和纵向协调的思想与行动以实现预期利益的政府治理模式。"整体政府"着眼于传统官僚制模式的弊病以及新公共管理所带来的负面效应,试图建立注重政府整体价值和绩效的文化和哲学,其最终的目的在于政府能力的提升,政府绩效的改进,从而满足来自社会公众的需求。 In the late 20th century , concepts as "joined - up government", "whole of government" make the old topic of cooperation and coordination in the government become the focus academic discussion again. In accord- ance with the views of Pollit, "whole of government" means a horizontal and vertical coordination through thought and action to achieve the expected benefits. From the concept, origins, theory and practice, this article attempts to make clear of the popular idea and model, not just as a result of thinking, but also as a foundation to continue studying.
作者 吕俊平
机构地区 山东大学
出处 《山东行政学院山东省经济管理干部学院学报》 2010年第2期21-23,共3页 Journal of Shandong Administrative College and Shandong Economic Management Personnel College
关键词 协同政府 整体政府 理论 实践 Joined - up Government Whole of Government Theory Practice
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