
关于推动“不首先使用核武器”国际机制的探讨 被引量:2

Exploring the Establishment of an International Mechanism for Promoting "No-first-use of Nuclear Weapons"
摘要 “不首先使用核武器”早在上世纪50年代就被提出,然而至目前为止,除中国明确宣示外还没有其他有核国家做出承诺。究其原因,一是核大国不愿放弃核威胁,二是常规军力相对较弱的有核国家也不愿做出承诺。美国总统奥巴马提出“无核武器世界”倡议,有核国家如首先签订“不首先使用核武器”协议,并形成国际机制,将是人类迈向消灭核武器的第一步。 The notion of 'no-first-use of nuclear weapons' was raised as early as in 1950s,yet no other nuclear countries,except China,have ever made such a clear commitment up to now.Tracing the matter to its source,we are able to see that,one,the nuclear powers are unwilling to forsake nuclear threats;two,the nuclear countries with relatively weak conventional forces are also reluctant to make such a promise.If nuclear countries agree first to sign 'no-first-use of nuclear weapons' treaty and transform it into an international mechanism,then 'a world without nuclear weapons' proposed by President Obama will become the first step toward elimination of nuclear weapons for the human race.
作者 荣予
出处 《和平与发展》 CSSCI 2009年第6期56-61,共6页 Peace and Development
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