

The Evaluating of the Ecological Functions in Yuli County.
摘要 从景观生态学的角度出发,以遥感影像和其他相关资料为本底数据,结合GIS技术,对1997年、2007年期间塔里木河下游尉犁县的景观时空分布进行了研究与探讨,在此基础上结合前期研究结果对尉犁景观变化带来的生态服务价值的损益进行了估算,分析表明造成尉犁生态环境退化的根本原因就是人口的增加和耕地面积的不断扩大。 From the perspective of landscape ecology,with GIS technology and the background data of remote sensing images and other relevant information,this article researches and discusses the space-time location distribution of landscapes of the Yuli county in the lower Tarim River in the 1997 and 2007.The profit and loss of the ecological service value which brought forth the changes of the landscapes of Yuli county are estimated based on the results of the initial research,and the analysis shows that the fundamental reason to the degradation of ecological environment of Yuli county is the population growth and continuous expansion of cultivated land of this area.
出处 《新疆环境保护》 2009年第3期1-5,32,共6页 Environmental Protection of Xinjiang
关键词 景观生态学 生态系统服务功能 尉犁 landscape ecology the ecological functions Yuli
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