

The Effect Experiment of Natural Additive Promoting the Growth Performance of Weaner Piglets
摘要 本试验的目的是评定一种新型绿色生长促进剂百健宝。对断奶仔猪生长性能的促进作用,测定指标包括仔猪增重、采食量、饲料转化率、对疾病的抵抗能力和经济效益。试验将120头23日龄断奶仔猪分为试验组和对照组。每组12重复,每个重复组5头仔猪。一个重复一栏饲养。对照组饲喂常规断奶仔猪料,试验组饲喂常规饲料加125g/t百健宝。试验从仔猪断奶开始持续50天。试验结束时百健宝试验组仔猪平均体重比对照组高3.09kg,差异显著(P=0.013)。试验表明百健宝。不但能显著的提高仔猪的采食量(P=0.032)和仔猪健康水平,其经济效益也很明显,投入产出比为1:9.4。 To evaluate the promoting effect of natural feed additive - Biomin P. E. P. , 120 piglets ( Duroc × Landraee × Yorkshire) weaned at 23 d were divided into two groups of 12 replicates, with 5 piglets per replicate raised in one pen. Control group piglets were fed with standard weaner ration while trial group piglets were fed with the same ration added 125g/t Biomin P. E. P.. Fifty days after Biomin P. E. P. treatment, the average body weight of trial group piglets were 3.09 kg higher than that of the control (29.23 vs 26.14, P =0. 013), and the total feed consumption of trial group was 12.41 kg/pen higher than that of control group. The experiment showed that the Biomin P. E. P. could enhance remarkably the feed intake and health level of piglets, and its economic benefits were quite evidence . The ROI of Biomin P. E. P. in the trial group was about 9.4 : 1.
出处 《中国饲料添加剂》 2006年第2期22-24,28,共4页 China Feed Additive
关键词 百健宝 断奶仔猪 生长性能 经济效益 Biomin P. E. P. weaner piglet performance of growth economic benefit
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