

Nursing care of patients with excision of kidney graft
摘要 目的:探讨移植肾切除术后患者的护理。方法:对28例行移植肾切除术患者的临床资料进行回顾性分析。结果:经过采取一系列积极、有效的治疗、护理措施,仅发生1例伤口延迟愈合,1例移植肾周血肿,予加强营养及伤口理疗、手术清除血肿等对症支持治疗,均痊愈出院。结论:心理护理、病情观察、饮食指导、伤口护理及预防感染是移植肾切除术后患者护理的关键。 Objective :To explore Nursing care of patients with excision of kidney graft.Methods :A retrospective analysis was used which clinical data of 28 patients with excision of dysfunction kidney graft.Results:After taking a series of positive and effective treatments,occurred in only 1 case of delayed wound healing,1 case of perinephric hematoma,to enhance the nutrition,carry out physical treatment in wound and do operation of removal hematoma,all of them were cured.Conclusion :Psychological care,observation of the disease,diet guidance,wound care and the prevention of infection is the critical nursing care for patients with excision of kidney graft.
作者 胡小平
出处 《医学信息(中旬刊)》 2010年第4期886-887,共2页 Medical Information Operations Sciences Fascicule
关键词 移植肾 肾切除 护理 Kidney graft Nnephrectomy Nursing care
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