
卡托普利对腹水综合征肉鸡右心功能的影响 被引量:1

Effect of captopril on the right ventricular function of ascitic broilers
摘要 150只15日龄AA肉鸡随机分为常温组、低温组和卡托普利组,探讨卡托普利对腹水综合征肉鸡右心功能的影响。结果:卡托普利降低低温诱发肉鸡腹水的发生率;卡托普利降低低温诱发肉鸡肺动脉高压;卡托普利与低温组比降低肉鸡腹水心脏指数;28、36日龄和44日龄,卡托普利组右心室收缩压低于低温组(P>0.05);28、36日龄和44日龄,卡托普利组右心室舒张压分别极低于低温组((P<0.01)。本试验证明卡托普利可以降低腹水发生率和右心肥大,有效维护右心功能。 One hundred and fifty 15-day-old AA broilers were randomly divided into the normal temperature,the low temperature and the captopril groups to study the effects of captopril on the right ventricle of ascitic broilers.Compared with birds in the low temperature group,incidence of ascites decreased,the ascites heart index decreaseyd for broilers of 28,36 and 44 day-old,the right ventricular systolic pressure decreased for 28,36 and 44 day-old,the right ventricular diastolic pressure decreased when the broilers were 28,36 and 44 day-old.These results showed that captopril can reduce incidence of ascites,prevent right ventricular hypertrophy,and maintain function of right ventricular effectively.
出处 《中国兽医杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2010年第4期14-16,共3页 Chinese Journal of Veterinary Medicine
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(30070567)
关键词 卡托普利 腹水综合征 肉鸡 右心功能 captopril ascites syndrome broiler function of right ventricle
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