
国外公共图书馆弱势群体服务的发展研究(二) 被引量:9

Research of Development of Services for Vulnerable Groups in Foreign Public Library(2)
摘要 本文综述了国外(主要以英国和美国为主)公共图书馆弱势群体服务发展的百余年历史,主要分为五个阶段分析论述,即19世纪末到20世纪30年代为工人阶级服务及向其他特殊人群延伸服务阶段;1940-1950年代福利国家背景下普遍服务阶段;1960-1980年代社区图书馆运动背景下弱势群体服务高涨阶段;1980-1990年代市场化和私有化背景下弱势群体服务衰落阶段;1997年至今反社会排斥、促进社会包容和谐背景下弱势群体服务复兴和持续阶段。每个历史阶段都考察了如下问题:(1)时代背景(政治、经济、社会发展状况)对公共图书馆弱势群体服务开展的影响;(2)在当时历史条件下,面向弱势群体的图书馆服务所采取的服务模式、针对的主要人群以及服务内容等;(3)服务背后蕴含的职业理念、价值观及其局限。 In this paper an overview of the foreign(mainly United Kingdom and the United States-based)public library service development for vulnerable groups,over a hundred years of history can be divided into five stages analyzed and discussed,namely,the late 19th century to the 1930s of the 20th century is a stage of services for working-class and other special populations;1940-1950s is a stage of universal service against the background of the welfare countries;1960-1980s is a stage of rising services for vulnerable groups against the background of community library movement;1980-1990s is the decline stage of services for vulnerable groups against the background of market and privatization ;1997-present is a stage of resurgence and continuity of services for vulnerable groups against the background to combat the social exclusion and promote the context and harmonious.Each historical stage investigates the following problems:(1)influence of historical background(political,economic and social development)to public library service for vulnerable groups;(2)the service model,the main population and service content of library services for vulnerable groups under the historical conditions at that time ;(3)the occupational concept,values and their limitations to contain in the library services.Service contains career behind the philosophy,values and their limitations.
作者 王素芳
出处 《图书馆》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第2期6-12,共7页 Library
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