
不同血糖水平与代谢综合征关系探讨 被引量:1

Relationship between different blood glucose levels and metabolic syndrome
摘要 目的了解不同血糖水平时代谢综合征(MS)发病状况及特点。方法采用整群随机抽样的方法调查20~75岁人群共计1653人。根据血糖水平分为糖耐量正常(NGT)组、空腹血糖受损(IFG)组、糖耐量低减(IGT)组、糖尿病(DM)组。结果①总人群MS、IFG、IGT、DM发生率分别为20.9%、4.3%、17%、13.7%。②IFG组、IGT组、DM组MS发生率分别为49.3%、44.1%和45.1%,三组间差异无显著性。③MS发生率在各组均为男性高于女性。MS发病高峰在IFG组和DM组中20~50岁年龄段,在IGT组中31岁~50岁年龄段。结论 IFG和IGT人群具备了与DM一样发生MS的危险性。青、中年人群特别是男性应列为MS的重点防治人群。 Objective To investigate the occurring rate and characteristics of metabolic syndrome(MS) in residents with different blood glucose levels. Methods A cluster random sampling method to survey, 1653 subjects aged 25 -75 years were included in this study. All subjeets were divided into four groups by the blood glucose level: normal glucose tolerance (NGT) group, impaired fasting ~yeaemia (IFG) group, impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) group and diabetes mellitus (DM) group. MS was defined by 2004 China Diabetes Society criteria. Results (1) In general population, the occurring rates of MS, IFG, IGT, DM were 20. 9% ,4.3%, 17% , 13.7%, respectively. (2) In IFG group, IGT group and DM group,the occurring rates of MS were 49.3% ,44.1% and 45.1% ,no signifieant difference were observed in three groups. (3) The occurring rate of MS in each group was higher in males than iemales. MS occurring peak in IFG group and DM group was 20 - 50 years, whereas in IGT group was 31 -50 years, respectively. Conclusion IFG, IGT and DM groups have equal contribution to MS. Youth, middle-aged people, especially men, should be includ- ed as the focus of prevention of MS.
出处 《中国医刊》 CAS 2010年第5期29-30,共2页 Chinese Journal of Medicine
关键词 空腹血糖受损 糖耐量低减 2型糖尿病 代谢综合征 Impaired fasting glycaemia Impaired glucose tolerance Diabetes mellitus Metabolic syndrome
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