

Strategies of prevention and control for 2009 H1N1 influenza,Hong Kong
摘要 2009年5月1日香港确诊第一例甲型H1N1流感病例后,针对甲型H1N1流感的预防和控制策略也根据疫情发展而进行了调整。疫情初期采用"控疫策略",主要是及早诊断、及早治疗和及早隔离患者,尽快追踪密切接触者,并进行医学观察,目的是将小区传播的可能性及速度减至最低。随着甲型H1N1流感在小区扩散,策略便调整为"缓疫措施",取消隔离和追踪,医院只治疗严重及确诊为甲型H1N1流感的病人,其他非严重的甲型H1N1流感病人安排到指定的门诊诊所接受达菲治疗及在家隔离,目的是使疫情的扩散速度减慢,社会损失减至最少。传染病的传播不受地域限制,本地域危机可影响全球,全球危机亦可影响本地域,所以有必要加强国际沟通与合作,确保尽早进行预防及控制行动。 Hong Kong confirmed the first case of human swine influenza(H1N1) on May 1st,2009.In order to tackle the threat of a new influenza(H1N1) epidemic,Hong Kong adopted a strategy of prevention and control which took consideration of the epidemic dynamics so that the undertaken measures could respond effectively to the changing situation of the epidemic.In the first phase of the epidemic,the strategy was 'controlling the epidemic' and the measures undertaken included early diagnosis,early isolation and treatment of the patients,and tracing and quarantine of the contacts and medical surveillance.The objective of this phase was to contain the spread of infection and reduce the speed of transmission of the disease in the community as far as possible.In the second phase,when the disease later on was found to have spread into the community,the strategy was modified by adopting a'slowing the epidemic'tactic.The measures undertaken included abandoning quarantine and tracing of contacts,providing hospital treatment only to seriously ill patients confirmed with H1N1 infection.The H1N1 patients with mild symptoms would be treated with tamifu and followed up at designated government out-patient clinics and under isolation at home.The purpose was to slow down the speed of the disease transmission in the community and reduce the impact of the epidemic to the society as far as possible.It is well recognized that the spread of infectious diseases is not limited by geographical boundaries.Local threat has global impact and global threat has local impact.It is therefore necessary to strengthen regional and international collaboration and communication to ensure that actions in the prevention and control of infectious diseases are taken early and effectively.
作者 李绍鸿
出处 《中国预防医学杂志》 CAS 2010年第4期325-327,共3页 Chinese Preventive Medicine
关键词 甲型H1N1流感:监测 合作 疫苗 A(H1N1)influenza Surveillance Collaboration Vaccine
  • 相关文献


  • 1香港卫生署卫生防护中心.人类猪型流感及季节性流感直击[EB/OL].2009ww.chp.gov.hk.
  • 2香港卫生署卫生防护中心.预防人类猪型流感须知[EB/OL].2009www.chp.gov.hk.
  • 3SARS in Hong Kong: from Experience to Action [EB/OL]. Report of the SARS Expert Committee, October 2003.
  • 4Lee SH. Prevention and Control of Communicable Diseases in Hong Kong, Government Printer, Hong Kong, 1994.








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