
能否到“人”为止?——对20世纪中国人道主义文学思潮的反思 被引量:3

Can It Be Ended by "Human"? ——Reflections on Chinese Humanitarianism in 20th Century
摘要 一个思潮已被轻易抛弃,而对它的真正反省却还没有开始。人道主义在二十世纪中国,虽长期处于被压抑的思想地位,但在人文思想界,却是具有奇里斯玛(Charisma)效应和先验正确性的一个理论话语,也常成为国内人文思考的价值终点,现在,又被时下以解构为时尚的人文学界弃掷不谈。笔者认为对于人道主义,在服膺、呼吁、响应和解构之外,深入反思还远远不够。二十世纪中国对西方人道主义的接受,建立在想象性的自然人性论基础之上,而后者,正是中国文化传统的题中应有之义,中国传统对人性的理解,从来都是自然一元论的,在中国思想的世界图式中,只存在一元的世俗秩序,人,本来就处于在世价值的中心。一元秩序的世界图式,使我们的人性解放之路,往往是直接诉诸个体感性,反抗"非人性"的在世普遍性,由于缺乏具有确定性的超越性价值资源,健全社会所必须的真正合理的人的普遍性建构终难形成。一元秩序观决定了中国人道主义思想的限度,从五四到八十年代,中国的人道主义言说都只能是到人为止,尤其是在文学评价标准和文学史观念上,"人",已经成为不可逾越、也可以不断回到的一个可以不加追问的名词。如果"人"只是一个想象性的预设,我们最终回到的还是约定俗成的对人的理解,无法生成真正摆脱非人存在的新资源,也无法拓展对人性的深刻理解。人本身,固然就是人道主义诉求的价值目标,但人道主义的资源,却不能到人为止,到人为止,不能成人。 A thought trend had been abandoned lightly,but the true reflection on it has not yet started.Humanitarianism of twentieth century China,though long in a pent-up ideas status,is a theoretical discourse with Charisma effects and a priori correctness in the field of humanism and often becomes a humanistic value end.For the humanitarianism,in adhering to the call,response and deconstruction,the in-depth reflection is not enough.Twentieth Century Chinese acceptance of western humanitarianism was built on imaginary basis of theory of natural human nature,which is precisely the theme of traditional Chinese culture.The proper meaning of the traditional Chinese understanding of human nature has always been a natural monism.In Chinese idea about the world,there is only one secular world and people already live in the center of this order.With the one-dimensional secular order pattern,our road to the liberation of humanity often directly access to an individual sensibility,and to against the inhuman universality,due to the lack of a deterministic transcendent value resources,truly reasonable construction of universality which a sound society need is eventually hard to form.The idea of one-dimensional order determines the limits of China's humanitarian ideas,from the May Fourth movement to the 1980s,China's humanitarian speech can only be up to "Human-self,"especially in literature evaluation criteria and the idea of literary history."Human" has become a insurmoun table term which you can continue to return but no questioning.If the "Human" is just a picture of presets,we end up back to common understanding of the "Human",cannot generate genuine new resources from the non-human existence,cannot develop a deep understanding of human nature."Human," though,is the value target of the humanitarianism,the humanitarian resources we need shouldn's end by human.
作者 汪卫东
机构地区 苏州大学文学院
出处 《北京科技大学学报(社会科学版)》 2010年第1期1-8,共8页 Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing(Social Sciences Edition)
关键词 二十世纪中国 人道主义 反思 20th century China humanitarianiamr eflections
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