In early 1990s, Cuba's social transformation was given a spur by her economic reform. This round of social transformation was similar with previous structural readjustments in some respects but different in other respects. In agriculture, state-run farms were turned into various kinds of co-operatives, and their productive forces were further divided. Farm produce markets were given a free hand to develop. Lands were carved up and allotted to tenant farmers. Through my interviews with decision-makers and co-operative leaders, as well as my field researches in the western and eastern regions of Cuba, I explored the impact of the current reform on the small farming households. I found two striking characteristics in 1990s. First, there appeared a rush to "become farmers." Second, the income disparity between the two regions had remained, if not widened. However, even in the poorest regions, the average income of the small farming households was still higher than that of hired workers, and it was much higher in other regions. In general, the economic crisis has driven Cuba's agricultural policy towards enhancing the status of the small farming households.
Open Times
economic reform, the rush to "become farmers", agricultural policy