
环境和资源危机时代农业向何处去?——古巴、朝鲜和美国农业的启示 被引量:14

摘要 本文描述了古巴、朝鲜和美国的农业模式及相应模式下各自迥异的境况,探讨资源限制对农业发展的长期约束,并联系中国的现实展开讨论,指出危机下的中国农村发展生态农业及相关产业比绿色革命农业模式能让更多的人安居乐业。 This paper describes the different modes of agriculture in Cuba, North Korea, and the United States, and their respective ramifications in reality. Discussion is focused on the long-term restriction of limited resources on agrarian development, with special reference to China's reality. The paper tries to point out that Chinese villages under crisis should develop ecological agriculture and related trades which, compared with the agricultural mode of green revolution, is a better way to give more people a better life.
作者 文佳筠
机构地区 美国
出处 《开放时代》 CSSCI 2010年第4期34-44,共11页 Open Times
关键词 可持续农业 绿色革命 粮食危机 农业生态学 sustainable agriculture, green revolution, staple food crisis, agroecology
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  • 1United Nations FAO/WFP, "Special Report -- FAO/WFP Crop and Food Supply Assessment Mission to the Democratic People's Republic of Korea", November 12, 1998.
  • 2Peter Rosset, "Alternative Agriculture Works: The Case of Cuba", Monthly Review Vol. 50, No. 3, July / August 1998.
  • 3Nilda Perez & Luis L. Vazquez, "Ecological Pest Management", in Fernando Funes, et al. (eds.), Sustainable Agriculture and Resistance: Transforming Food Production in Cuba, Food First Books: Oakland, 2002.
  • 4Miguel A. Altieri, "The Principles and Strategies of Agroecology in Cuba", in Fernando Funes, et al. (eds.), Sustainable Agriculture and Resistance: Transforming Food Production in Cuba, Food First Books : Oakland, 2002.
  • 5Femando Funes-Monzote等.《多样性和高效性是生态集约化农业的关键》,http://china.leisa.info/index.php?url=getblob.php&o_id=235869&a_id=211&a_seq=0.
  • 6Luis Garcia, "Agroecological Education and Training", in Fernando Funes, et al. (eds.), Sustainable Agriculture and Resistance : Transforming Food Production in Cuba, Food First Books : Oakland, 2002.
  • 7US Department of Labor, "The National Agricultural Workers Survey : A Profile of U. S. Farm Workers", http ://www.doleta.gov/agworker/report/main.cfm.
  • 8"Seven Deadly Myths of Industrial Agriculture: Myth Three-industrial Food Is Food", in Fatal Harvest: the Tragety of lndustrial Agriculture , Island Press, 2002.
  • 9"Vanishing Basics: Soil and Water", in Fatal Harvest: the Tragety oflndustrial Agriculture, Island Press, 2002.
  • 10"Artificial Fertility: the Environmental Costs of Industrial Fertilizers", in Fatal Harvest: the Tragety of Industrial Agriculture, Island Press, 2002.










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