缺氧诱导因子(hypoxia inducible factor-1,HIF-1)是一种介导机体对缺氧环境产生应答的转录因子。在炎症及实体肿瘤周围的组织大多存在缺氧现象。在缺氧条件下,HIF-1α和HIF-1β两个亚基结合,形成HIF-1并迅速活化,参与机体缺氧环境的适应,并在胚胎发育、多种肿瘤及心肺疾病等发生发展中起到重要作用。因此,更好地认识HIF-1的功能及意义,对进一步地认识与其相关生命过程和疾病本质以及研发新的治疗手段具有重要意义。
Transcription factor Hypoxia-Inducible Factor-1 (HIF-1) is one of the principal mediators of homeostasis exposed to hypoxia. It is known that inflamed tissues and the areas surrounding malignant tumors are characterized by hypoxia. Under hypoxic conditions the α and β subunits of HIF-1 make an active heterodimer, and then play a key role in cellular adaptation to low oxygen levels. In addition, HIF-1 is also important in the development of physiological in fetal, cancer, lung and cardiovascular disease. The better understanding of the functions of HIF-1 mean a better understanding of these diseases and a successful therapeutic approach to these diseases as well.
Progress in Modern Biomedicine