
生物样本库的建立与管理 被引量:8

Establishment and management of biological samples bank
摘要 目的:探讨医学研究中样本库的建库条件,样本的采集、保存和质量控制,以及样本库的信息化管理等问题。方法:流行病学现场采集人群的全血、血浆等标本,按分子生物学实验要求分装处理,于液氮或-80℃低温冷冻保存;建立了一套信息管理软件应用于样本库的管理。结果:2004年7月至2009年12月收集维吾尔族、哈萨克族、汉族人群的各类样本达2万余份,并且已应用于新疆民族高发性疾病的研究,效果良好。结论:生物标本库的建立,有利于合理有效地利用资源。 Objective:To explore the conditions of establishment samples bank applied for medicine researches, the methods of preparation and preservation of samples, the quality control, and the management of samples bank. Methods: samples including whole blood and plasma derived from epidemiology research, All were classified and processed according to requirements of molecular biological researches, then these samples were stored in liquid nitrogen or at -80~C. A set of information management software were established and applied for the management of samples bank. Results:There are 20 thousand samples stored in bank from 2004.7 to 2009.12, including Uighur, Kazakh and Han people. A part of samples have applied to Xinjiang Ethnic Diseases research, The results were satisfactory. Conclusion: The establishment of biological samples bank is helpful in sharing information resources effectively.
出处 《现代生物医学进展》 CAS 2010年第5期999-1000,共2页 Progress in Modern Biomedicine
基金 国家科技支撑计划项目(2009BAI82B01)
关键词 样本库 建立与管理 samples bank Establishment and management
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