
硫酸盐溶液中锌-铜共沉积物的形貌研究 被引量:1

Morphology of Zinc-Copper Codeposition in Sulphamate Solution
摘要 在二维情况下对硫酸铜和硫酸锌的混合溶液进行不同实验条件的电沉积,通过金相显微镜等手段观测了不同电压和浓度下混合溶液中金属生长和共沉积的过程,并通过对比单组分溶液与二元混合溶液的沉积物生长形貌和分形状况,研究了混合溶液在不同电压和浓度条件下所生成的沉积物的形貌规律。实验结果表明:由于金属各向异性,导致混合溶液中的沉积物形貌较单组分溶液更为复杂;而随着电压和浓度的改变,沉积物的形貌由枝晶状向DLA分形和致密结果转变。 Zinc-Copper alloy deposit was obtained from sulphamate bath in different experimental conditions. Metal mixtures in the growth and co-deposition process was observed by means of microscope observation of different voltages and concentrations, and by comparing the One- component solution and the growth of binary mixtures of sediments and fractal morphology of the mixed solution at different voltages and con- centrations of sediment generated under the conditions of the morphology of the law. Was studied. The results show that : because of the metal anisotropy, resulting in mixed solution of the sediment topography more complex than single-component solution ; while with the voltage and concentration was changed, morphology of sediment from the branch to the DLA fraetal crystalline and dense structure.
出处 《世界科技研究与发展》 CSCD 2010年第2期132-134,140,共4页 World Sci-Tech R&D
关键词 电沉积 共沉积 扩散限度聚集 铜锌硫酸盐混合溶液 eleetrodeposition eodeposition diffusion limited aggregation Cu-Zn sulphamate solution
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