
自组织网络时钟同步研究综述 被引量:9

Research on Clock Synchronization of Ad Hoc Networks:A Survey
摘要 时钟同步是自组织网络研究的关键技术之一,是多种网络功能实现的基础。对自组织网络时钟同步方法进行综述,依据同步原理对现有自组织网络时钟同步方法进行分类,并从可扩展性、网络开销、同步精度等方面对不同类别中具有代表性的时钟同步方法进行比较和分析。同时,根据无线传感器网络(Wireless Sensor Network,WSN)和自组织网络在时钟同步方面的相似性,列举出一些自组织网络可借鉴的WSN时钟同步方法。最后根据自组织网络时钟同步技术面临的新问题以及现有方法中的不足,展望自组织网络时钟同步技术的进一步研究方向。 Clock synchronization, one of the key technologies in ad hoc networks, is the base of the implementation of some network functions. This survey gave an overview of popular clock synchronization methods of ad hoc networks.These methods were classified by some different principles. Then the scalability of approaches above was compared and analyzed, so did the network overhead and synchronization error. Because of the similarity of clock synchronization methods between wireless sensor networks(WSN) and ad hoc networks,some clock synchronization methods of WSN were proposed to be used for ad hoc networks. At last, some developments were introduced, which offer great potential for the new coming problems of clock synchronization.
出处 《计算机科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第5期30-33,39,共5页 Computer Science
关键词 时钟同步 自组织网络 综述 主从同步 互同步 Cock synchronization Ad hoc networks Survey Master-slave synchronization Mutual synchronization
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