
专利引文分析法与共词分析法在揭示科学-技术知识关联方面的差异对比 被引量:19

Comparing Co-words Analysis and Citations Analysis Between Academic Papersa And Patents in the Presentation of Knowledge Transfer
摘要 揭示基础研究学科与技术发明领域之间存在知识关联,预见二者间可能的相互推动或启示作用。科学计量学和文献计量学提供的途径是对科研论文和专利文献进行共词分析或引文分析。共词分析面临科学概念与技术术语部分不对应、专利技术核心特征词难以确定、语种差异引发部分术语缺失等问题。专利引文分析直接观察知识主体间发生的知识交流活动,跳出繁琐的语境细节,通过追踪专利对论文的引证线索将无形的知识关联显性化。 Based on the presentation of knowledge transfer between some basic research and some technological invention,the author can predict the promotion or enlightening between each other. The Sociology of Science and Technology Economics provides a variety of ways, Seientometric and bibliometrie did it by means of co-words analysis and citation analysis between academic papers and patents. The problems which limit co-word analysis are:some scientific concepts can not match technical terms, core words of a patent are diffi- cult to be determined, language differences lead to some technical terms missing. During the patent citation analysis, direct observation of knowledge exchange activities take place beyond the tedious details of literature context, by tracking citation clues between papers and patents, the intangible knowledge transfer become evident.
作者 李睿
出处 《图书情报工作》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第6期91-93,140,共4页 Library and Information Service
关键词 共词分析 专利引文分析 知识关联 co-word analysis patent citation analysis knowledge transfer
  • 相关文献


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