
国际气候变化谈判与中国的应对 被引量:2

International Negotiation on Climate Change and China's Response
摘要 应对全球气候变化正作为一个重要议题影响着各国社会经济发展,其紧迫性要求各国必须采取有效措施。然而,旨在应对全球气候变化的哥本哈根会议并未实现普遍的预期目标,国际社会围绕气候变化问题的谈判仍在继续。本文旨在此基础上提出部分建议,即中方作为发展中大国,未来应积极开展多边外交,以积极的姿态和务实的态度参与应对气候变化的国际合作,以争取自身的发展权益,维护核心国家利益。 Dealing with the global climate change as an important topic for discussing , it influences all countries' social and economic developments , and its urgent nature requires that all states must adopt efficient methods to quickly act. However , the Copenhagen Conference that in purpose of global climate change didn' trealize the universal antieipative target , and the international societies still keep negotiation round the issue of climate change. This paper tries to put forward some suggestions bases on that , in terms of as a developing large country , in the future China should actively engage with multilateral diplomacy , deal with international cooperation for the climate change with active position and realistic attitude , so as to strive for self - development fights and interests and maintain the core of state advantage.
作者 吴耀琨
出处 《攀登(哲学社会科学版)》 2010年第2期17-22,共6页 New Heights(Philosophy and Social Science)
关键词 中国 气候变化 国际谈判 政策建议 China climate change international negotiation policy suggestion
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