
跨越时空的对话——拜厄特与现代派诗学之争 被引量:2

A.S. Byatt's Dialogue with Modernist Poets in Angels and Insects
摘要 在A.S.拜厄特的第二部新维多利亚小说《天使与昆虫》之《婚姻天使》篇中,拜厄特以小说的形式对丁尼生的诗歌进行评述,从而与艾略特为代表的现代派诗人展开跨越时空的批评对话。本文首先追溯了现代派诗学对维多利亚诗歌的诘难与批判,然后分析了在此背景下丁尼生诗歌创作所经受的不同批评境遇,重点分析拜厄特对艾略特基于"感受分化论"对丁尼生所做批评的反驳。 A. S. Byatt reconstructs the life and writings of Victorian Poet Laureate Alfred Tennyson in the section" The Conjugial Angel" of her 1992 fiction Angels and Insects, thus initiating a critical interrogation of modernist poets whose criticism of Tennyson should be examined in the context of Eliot's theory of the "dissociation of sensibility". Focusing on different critical responses Tennyson has invoked, this paper first examines the modernist dismissal of Victorian poetry at large and Tennyson's poems in particular, and then moves on to the discussion of the ways in which Byatt's revaluation of Tennyson reacts against Eliot's criticism.
作者 金冰
出处 《当代外国文学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第2期83-91,共9页 Contemporary Foreign Literature
基金 国家社会科学基金项目"‘新维多利亚小说研究’--后现代文化重构19世纪"(09BWW018)的阶段性研究成果
关键词 拜厄特 艾略特 丁尼生 现代派诗学 维多利亚诗歌 A. S. Byatt, T. S. Eliot, Alfred Tennyson, modern poetics, Victorian poetry
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