
多丽丝·莱辛的文化身份与小说创作 被引量:11

Doris Lessing:The Cultural Identity and Her Novels
摘要 多丽丝.莱辛具有"边缘人"与"流亡者"的文化气质,这一独特的文化身份对其小说创作产生了重要影响。她的小说具有多元化的艺术风格,丰富的主题意趣与独特文化意象,并致力于对社会边缘阶层的关注,显示出当代知识分子追求精神独立的品格。莱辛小说的创作特点与作家的生活经历、生命体验以及思想情感密切相关。 Doris Lessing's specific identity of both a marginal man and an exile has had significant influence upon her novels which, with the diversified aesthetic style, various themes and unique cultural images, have long been devoted to pay attention to the marginalized group, indicating the contemporary intellectual's persistent pursuit of independent spirit. The features of Lessing' writing are closely related to her life, experience, thoughts and feelings.
作者 卢婧
出处 《南京社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第5期150-156,共7页 Nanjing Journal of Social Sciences
关键词 多丽丝·莱辛 文化身份 小说创作 边缘人 流亡者 Doris Lessing cultural identity novels marginal man exile
  • 相关文献


  • 1Adam Smith:Interview:"The story dictates the means of telling it".Telephone interview with Doris Lessing following the announcement of the 2007 Nobel Prize in Literature,11 October 2007.The interviewer is Adam Smith,Editor-in-Chief of Nobelprize.org.http://nobelprize.org/nobel-prizes/literature/laureates/2007/lessing-telephone.html.
  • 2Gayle Greene:Doris Lessing:The Poetics of Change,Ann Arbor:The University of Michigan Press,1994,p.8.Pp.8-9.P.13.P.21.
  • 3Florence Howe:"A Conversation with Doris Lessing",in Doris Lessing:Critical Studies,eds.Annis Pratt and L.S.Dembo,Wisconsin:The University of Wisconsin Press,1974,p.3.
  • 4Tapan K.Ghosh ed.,Doris Lessing's the Golden Notebook:a Critical Study,New Delhi:Presige Books,2006,p.10.
  • 5多丽丝·莱辛.《金色笔记》,陈才宇译,译林出版社2007年版,第74页.
  • 6Doris Lessing:The Lost World of the Kalahari,New Statesman,vol.56,no.1444,15 November 1958,p.700.
  • 7Carole Klein:Doris Lessing:A Biography,London:Gerald Duckworth,2000,prologue.
  • 8刘一虹.《当代阿拉伯哲学思想》,当代中国出版社2001年版,第167页.
  • 9Ann Scott:The More Recent Writing:Sufism,Mysticism and Politics,in Notebooks,Memoirs,Archives:Reading and Rereading Doris Lessing,ed.Jenny Taylor,Boston:Routledge & Kegan Paul,1982,p.184.
  • 10苏忱.多丽丝·莱辛与当代伊德里斯·沙赫的苏菲主义哲学[J].四川外语学院学报,2007,23(4):24-27. 被引量:10


  • 1刘一虹.当代阿拉伯哲学思想[M].北京:当代中国出版社,2001.
  • 2Moore, James. Neo-Sufism: The Case of Idries Shah [EB/OL]. The Gurdjieff Journal. Issue No. 24. http://www. gurdjieff - legacy.org/4Oarticles/neosufism.htm.
  • 3Sufi Studies. Today [EB/OL]. http://www.sufis.org/ whatsufism.html.
  • 4Lessing, Doris May. The Sufis and Idries Shah[EB/OL]. 1997. http ://www. clearlight.com/octagon/lessing. html.
  • 5Lessing, Doris May. On Sufism and Idries Shah's The Commanding Self (1994) [ EB/OL]. http://www.sufis. org/lessing_commandingself.html.
  • 6Shah, Idries. The Way of the Sufi [ M ]. New York: Penguin Books, 1977. 14.
  • 7Pickering, Jean. Understanding Doris Lessing [ M ]. South Carolina: University of South Carolina Press, 1990. 138.
  • 8Lessing, Doris May. The Memoirs of a Survivor [ Z ]. London: The Octagon Press, 1974.
  • 9Scott, Arm. The More Recent Writings: Sufism, Mysticism and Politics [ A ]. In. Jenny Taylor ( ed. ). Notebooks, Memoirs, Archives: Reading and Rereading Doris Lessing [C]. Boston: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1982.
  • 10Fahim, Shadia S. Doris Lessing : Sufi Equilibrium and the Form of the Novel [ M ]. New York. St. Martin' s Press, 1994.












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