
超高速碰撞产生弱磁场线圈测量系统 被引量:7

Coil measurement system for weak magnetic field generated by hypervelocity impact
摘要 为了测量超高速碰撞过程中产生瞬态弱磁场的磁感应强度,设计了弱磁场测量的线圈系统。阐述了线圈的设计、线圈等效电路的分析、运算放大器的选择及其功能。理论上探讨了自积分电阻对测量频率的影响。通过超高速碰撞实验得到了产生的弱磁场信号,实验记录的测量信号光滑,表明该测量系统具有较好的抗干扰性能。该测量系统的建立将为超高速碰撞产生等离子体的性能研究提供新的手段。 A coil measurement system has been designed to measure the magnetic induction intensity of the weak magnetic field generated by hypervelocity impact.Coil designing,equivalent circuit analysis,and the choice and function of the differential operational amplifier were expounded.The influence on measurement frequency of self-integration resistor was explored in theory.Finally,weak magnetic field signals generated by hypervelocity impact were obtained through experiments,and the recorded signals were smooth,which showed that the measurement system had a good anti-interference performance.
出处 《强激光与粒子束》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第5期1132-1136,共5页 High Power Laser and Particle Beams
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(10972145) 沈阳市人才资源开发专项资金项目(20081400103009)
关键词 超高速碰撞 弱磁场 线圈测量系统 等效电路 等离子体 hypervelocity impact weak magnetic field coil measurement system equivalent circuit plasma
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