
基于三维Hough变换的机载激光雷达平面地标提取 被引量:8

Plane Landmark Detection from Lidar Data Based on 3D Hough Transform
摘要 针对机载激光雷达点云数据中的平面地标检测问题,分析了以三维Hough变换为基础的传统的平面检测算法,指出其存在空间分割不一致问题,在检测法线垂向地标时出现"极点"现象。研究了三维Hough变换的空间完备分割条件,利用参数空间的对偶特性,提出了一种基于对偶空间分割的三维Hough变换算法,避免了空间不一致问题。仿真和实验证明,改进三维Hough变换算法在不增加计算量的同时,能够有效检测激光雷达点云中的平面地标。 The detection of plane landmarks from airborne Lidar points cloud data is considered the key technology for mapping and guidance. Traditional plane detection algorithm based on 3D Hough transform using polar coordinate suffers inconsistent space segmentation problem which causes apex phenomenon when normal of plane is vertical to ground. The new 3D Hough transform is presented with dual space segmentation, utilizing two orthogonal polar coordinates to segment half unit sphere into Gaussian grid. This algorithm can avoid space inconsistent problem. Simulation and real data processing result indicate that the new algorithm can detect plane landmarks effectively without increasing calculation amount.
出处 《国防科技大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第2期130-134,共5页 Journal of National University of Defense Technology
基金 高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金资助(20069998009)
关键词 机载激光雷达 三维Hough变换 空间不一致 对偶空间分割 airborne lidar 3D Hough transform space inconsistent dual space segmentation
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