
一种恶意软件传播的离散概率模型 被引量:3

A Discrete Probabilistic Model of Malware Propagation
摘要 复杂网络理论为恶意软件传播的研究提供了新的思路和方法.本文针对恶意软件的实际传播机制,提出一种新的离散概率DP-SI模型,该模型可适用于任意网络拓扑.同时提出了一种节点信息网络模型方法,为大规模复杂网络及复杂网络上的传播动力学的仿真,以及离散传播动力学模型的建立,提供了有效的研究平台.仿真结果表明本模型比传统模型更接近现实,对恶意软件的控制具有一定指导意义. Complex network theory has provided the new train of thought and method to the research of malware's propagation.In this paper,against malicious software spread of the actual mechanism,we develop a new model,called the discrete probability susceptible-infectious(short for DP-SI),which could be applied to any network topology.At the same time,the node information network model method have been proposed for investigating complex network simulations,provided an efficiency research flat for simulating of propagation dynamics in the cosmically complex network as well as building discrete propagation dynamics model.The results show that this model is closer to reality than the traditional model,and it has some significance in the control of malicious software.
出处 《电子学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第4期894-898,共5页 Acta Electronica Sinica
关键词 恶意软件传播 SI模型 免疫 节点信息网络模型 malware propagation SI model immunization node information network model
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