
改进的WPAN网状自适应树路由算法 被引量:2

Improved WPAN meshed adaptive tree routing algorithm
摘要 为扩大无线个人区域网(WPAN)的网络覆盖范围,增强网络的可靠性,研究了网状自适应树算法应用于大规模网络可能产生的地址溢出问题。通过将整个网络划分为更小的子网络,利用分区方法构建分区网状自适应树,并结合分区网状自适应树的分层拓扑结构,提出一种改进的网状自适应树路由协议算法。实验结果表明,该算法在不增加路由开销和网络负载的情况下扩大了网络覆盖范围,并有效减小了端到端时延,提高了报文发送成功率和通信效率,在不同规模的网络中均保持了较好的性能,为提高无线个域网的覆盖性和可靠性提供了理论依据。 To expand network coverage and enhance the reliability of wireless personal area network(WPAN),the problem of address overflow resulting from applying the meshed adaptive tree algorithm in large-scale mesh network wis studied.By dividing the entire network into smaller sub-networks,the subarea meshed adaptive tree wis constructed.An improved meshed adaptive tree routing algorithm wis proposed employing the hierarchical topology structure of the subarea meshed adaptive tree.Experimental results show that the algorithm expands the network coverage without increasing the routing overhead and the network load.It also effectively reduces the end-to-end delay and increases the packet delivery ratio and communication efficiency.It maintains a good performance in the networks with different scales and provides a theoretical basis for enhancing the coverage and reliability of WPAN.
作者 江禹生 何芳
出处 《重庆大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第4期88-91,97,共5页 Journal of Chongqing University
基金 国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划)资助项目(2008AA01Z202)
关键词 无线个域网 路由协议 网状自适应树 分区 WPAN routing protocols meshed adaptive tree subarea
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