The effects or iontophoretic application of L-glutamic acid(L-Glu) and -aminobutyric acid (GABA) and their corresponding antagonist DL - 2-amino- 5- phosphonovaleric acid (AP - 5 ) and bicuculline (BIC) on the spontaneous discharges of neurons in the pre-Botzinger complex (pre-Bot c),and the influence of AP-5 and BIC on the effects of L-Glu and GABA respectively,were observed on anesthetized spontaneously breathing Sprague-Dawley adult rats. The results showed that most or the neurons tested(37/41) were excited and a few of them(4/41) were unafrected. Thirty four out of 40 neurons examined were inhibited by GABA and the other 6 were unaffected. AP-5 did not affect (19/34) or Inhibited (15/34) the spontaneous discharges of the neurons tested. BIC showed excitatory effect (10/30) or no effect (20/30) on the spontaneous discharges of the neurons tested. The excitatory effect of L-Gin and the inhibitory effect or GABA showed a dose-response dependent relationship. AP-5 could partially or completely block the excitatory effect of L-Glu on 9 out of 21 neurons tested. BIC could partially or completely block the inhibitory effect of GABA on most of the neurons tested(20/25). These results Indicate that endogenous L-Glu and GABA may exist in the preBot c of the adult rat. They might be Involved in the synaptic transmission of signals in the pre-Bot c by acting on NMDA receptor and GABAA receptor,respectively.
pre-Botzinger complex
L-glutamic acid
DL-2-amino-5-prosphonovaleric Acid
γ-aminobutyric acid