Fanconi syndrome (FS) is generally classified into primary and secondary forms. Primary FS is usu- ally accompanied by congenital diseases and the secondary one could be caused by many factors. We report a 59-years-old female woman with recrudoscent bone and joint pain, diagnosed as "vitamin D resistant osteomalacia" 22 years ago. At present, she had severe bone pain, protein urine, normal blood glucose and glucosuria, kaliuresis, hyperchloride acidosis and electrolyte disturbances. All these accorded with the diagnosis of secondary FS because of deficiency of congenital dis- eases. Serum IYI'H was significantly increased, and parathyroid uhrasonography, CT and SPECT hinted the existence of independent nodules based on parathyroid hyperplasia, with the recovery of serum phosphate and alkaline phosphate and the persistence of elevated serum PTH, a strong indication for independent PTH secretion from parathyroid after secondary hyperparathyroidism, so tertiary hyperparathyroidism should be considered. X-ray imaging of bones revealed bony thorax, spine and basin malformation and measurement of bones by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry revealed a significant de- crease in bone mineral density, a condition of osteomalacia complicated by osteoporosis.
Chinese Journal Of Osteoporosis And Bone Mineral Research