
纤维调节素在人类牙周细胞损伤愈合中的免疫组织化学表达 被引量:2

Immunohistochemical presentation of fibromodulin during wound healing of periodontal cells
摘要 目的研究纤维调节素在牙周细胞损伤愈合中的表达,探讨纤维调节素在牙周损伤愈合中的作用。方法培养人类牙周细胞(牙龈成纤维细胞、牙周膜成纤维细胞和成骨细胞);在培养了牙周细胞的载玻片上做损伤细胞的圆形创口,建立牙周细胞损伤模型,跟踪观察7d;用免疫组织化学染色的方法,观察纤维调节素在牙周细胞损伤愈合过程中的表达。结果牙周细胞损伤后第1天,纤维调节素较强表达于损伤边缘新移行的细胞;随后,纤维调节素对损伤区新近移行的细胞的表达强于创口周围的细胞。结论纤维调节素强烈表达于损伤区新近移行的牙周细胞,可能参与牙周损伤愈合的早期活动。 Objective To investigate immunohistochemical presentation of fibromodulin in vitro during wound healing of three types of periodontal cells and discuss the role of fibromodulin. Methods Cultured periodontal cells were wounded and followed by observation up to 7 days. The immunohistochemical expression of fibromodulin in periodontal cells was observed. Results Immunohistochemical localization of fibromodulin during cellular wound healing showed that newly migrating periodontal cells toward the wound area were expressed strongly for fibromodulin at day 1 after wounding; thereafter, fibromodulin expression was noted stronger in newly migrating periodontal cells localized in the central part of the wound area than those around the wound area. Conclusion These data suggest that fibromodulin may be involved in the early events of wound healing for periodontal cells.
出处 《华西口腔医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第2期208-210,共3页 West China Journal of Stomatology
基金 教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金资助项目[教外司留(2005)383号]
关键词 纤维调节素 牙周细胞 损伤愈合 免疫组织化学 fibromodulin periodontal cells wound healing immunohistochemistry
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