

SOArTester:An Automatic Composite Service Testing System Based on Test Case Reduction
摘要 测试是保证组合服务功能正确性、性能和可靠性的必要手段.基于BPMN的组合服务流程具有多参数多取值的特征,参数的取值组合数量巨大.本文提出了一种基于组合精简技术的测试用例精简方法,用于检测输入参数间的相互作用对组合服务执行可能产生的影响,设计并实现了基于BPMN规范的组合服务自动化测试系统SOArTester.该系统支持自动化的测试环境部署、测试执行和监控,生成的用例数量与参数个数之间呈现对数增长关系.实验表明SOArTester系统提高了组合服务测试的自动化程度,降低了组合服务测试的开销,因而提高了测试的效率. Testing is necessary for the functional correctness,performance,and reliability. The BPMN-based composite ser- vices have large number of input parameters and the assigned values of individual parameters,the number of corresponding combina- lions of input parameters is huge. This paper described a new approach based on combinatorial designs to generate reduced test cases that detect the mutual effect of parameters and based on the method, designed and implemented the SOArTester system, which helps the processes of test cases deployment,execution and monitoring,and the number of test cases generated grows logarithmically in the number of parameters. Experiments demonstrated that SOArTester enhanced the automation level of composite service testing, reduced the testing cost,and improved the efficiency of testing.
出处 《电子学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第B02期65-70,共6页 Acta Electronica Sinica
基金 国家863高技术研究发展计划(No.2007AA010301,No.2006AA01A106,No.2009AA01Z41)
关键词 测试 测试用例精简 组合服务 业务流程建模标注 testing test case reduction service composition BPMN
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