
合作猪Nramp1基因第六内含子多态性分析 被引量:8

Polymorphism of the Nramp1 gene intron 6 in Hezuo pig
摘要 采用PCR-SSCP方法检测了135头合作猪Nramp1基因第六内含子的多态性.结果表明:序列比对分析发现10个新的核苷酸多态位点,其中,转换7个,颠换2个,插入1个;试验群体发现5个基因型,即AA、AB、BB、CC、AC,其中B等位基因为优势等位基因,AB基因型为优势基因型;经χ2适合性检验,该群体处于Hardy-Wein-berg平衡状态(P>0.05);Nramp1基因遗传多态指数中,杂合度为0.617 4,多态信息含量为0.537 3,有效等位基因数为2.613 7. In order to explore the molecular mechanism of disease resistance of Hezuo pigs,the PCR-SSCP method was used to analyse the Nramp1 gene intron 6 polymorphisms in 135 Hezuo pigs.Sequencing analysis found ten new nucleotide polymorphisms in intron 6,which mainly came from point mutation,including transition of 7,transversion of 2 and insertion of 1.Five genotypes AA,AB,BB,AC and CC were detected,allele B and genotype AB were predominant.Chi-square test indicated that the polymorphic locus in Hezuo pigs were at Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium(P0.05).In the genetic polymorphism parameters of Nramp1 gene,the heterozygosity were 0.6174,polymorphism information content were 0.5373 and the effective number of alleles were 2.613 7.It was showed that the intron 6 of Nramp1 gene in Hezuo pigs have high heterozygosity,large genetic variation and has high level of sequence polymorphism..
出处 《甘肃农业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第2期10-13,24,共5页 Journal of Gansu Agricultural University
基金 甘肃省自然科学基金(096RJZA005)
关键词 合作猪 Nramp1基因 PCR-SSCP 多态性 Hezuo pig Nramp1 gene PCR-SSCP polymorphism
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